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What is EV?

EV means "Electric Vehicles", which use one or more electric motors or traction motors for propulsion. In this poster, there will be a description about the history of electric vehicles and their current infrastructure.

History of Electric Vehicle

Electric car built by Thomas Parker, photo from 1895

  In 1827, Hungarian priest, Ányos Jedlik, started electric power. After that year, he used an electric motive motor to power his small car. It had been developed and upgraded more and more.

 Finally, in America, in the early 1900s, the first mass-produced electric vehicles appeared. But It had more disadvantages than advantages compared to a combustion engine vehicle which appeared later. The high cost, low speed, and short-range battery problem were the main problems of EV in comparison to a combustion engine vehicle.

 But, in the 21st century, demand for alternative fuel instead of oil has been increasing. By the help of the trend, the importance of electric vehicles has been increased and emphasized more than before. So, now the world has an interest in how we can solve the problems of EV such as size and efficiency of the battery, its infrastructure, ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), etc...

The infrastructure of Electric Vehicle 

 For a long, It had been the main problem that electric vehicles had poor range because of their battery. But nowadays, it had been changed a lot. More than 350 new EV models with a range of more than 200 miles will make their debut by 2025. Mckinsey suggests that approximately 120 million electric vehicles could be on the road by 2030. One thing we should notice in the chart is the increasing rate of EVs in China. Its share in an electric vehicle is larger than the sum of the US and all European countries. It seems that after a few years, we cannot ignore the EV market in China.

Challenge of Electric Vehicle

 Most of the previous problems got solved, but we have another problem which is a lack of charging infrastructure. It could be an obstacle to EV adoption. When electric vehicles need recharging, we should make the process fast and simple. There are many ways to charge your electric car. The way to charge it depends on where and how long you can charge it.
 If you have a home charger in your garage, it must be the easiest way to charge your car while you sleeping. Moreover, you can also rely on the public station, which is in the parking lot and shopping center. For example, while you work in the office, you can charge your car easily in the parking lot near the office. In those two cases, normally we use AC charging. Looking at AC charging, you need to have an onboard converter in your car that converts AC into DC to feed the battery.
 What if you don't have enough time to charge it? You can make it faster by using DC charging. Looking at DC charging, you can recharge at higher powers and need to spend less time recharging your car because the conversion to DC takes place outside of your car.
 However, as you can notice in the real world, we are suffering from a lack of its charging station. We need more charging stations and electric vehicles also should be developed more and it will be.


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